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Join us for the party of the year!

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2024 - 2025 PLEDGE DRIVE

Please help us fund the important programs and services that make Mariners Elementary so great!!!

Suggested donation is $350 per student, but any amount is much appreciated!

VENMO: @mariners-foundation (ref: “PLEDGE DRIVE”)


In lieu of flowers, Mrs. Smith’s family has requested that the Mariners community donate to the Mariner’s Elementary School Foundation in her memory.



What Do We Do?

The Foundation provides funding for school programs, personnel support and infrastructure that would otherwise not be available to Mariners students.  The Foundation was originally formed out of concern about the decline of state funding for public schools and the Foundation’s support is needed more so today than ever.

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Our Mission

Mariners Elementary School Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed in 1999 for the sole purpose of raising funds to support the quality education at Mariners Elementary School. We are guided by an all-volunteer group of parents, faculty and staff and enjoy a broad base of support from the local community.

Learn More


"Mariners Elementary School Foundation is extraordinary. It's great to see the parents, faculty and staff open doors for students allowing them a better education while expanding their minds."

Laura Wakeham, parent


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